Bible Verses for Athletes

Every top athlete will tell y'all success in sports is more endless hours of grooming. There is a certain percentage of luck and divine intervention. This divine intervention is conspicuously spelled out for us in the Bible. While there are scores of verses which speak direct to this, here are my Pinnacle 10 bible verses for athletes.

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These bible verses encourage athletes to perform their best… and more importantly, be the all-time representative of their sport and themselves.

ten. one Corinthians ix:24

Practise y'all not know that in a race all the runners run, but merely i gets the prize? Run in such a way as to become the prize.

Did you discover when reading this poetry that it doesn't say you must win or you lot will win? Information technology is actually telling u.s. the kind of endeavour and dedication victory requires. Competing with integrity is the fundamental hither. Anyone tin cheat and win but what does that do us morally. It's not about winning at all costs or abandoning your values to do anything it takes to win. This is telling united states of america we demand to perform at our absolute all-time and have the self-discipline to compete in a focused, well-expert and strategic manner. If nosotros practice that, we volition accept performed in such a way that we volition be most impossible to shell. Will we get trounce sometimes? ABSOLUTELY! Still, in performing with honor we can feel victorious even in a loss.

ix. Proverbs iii:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own agreement. Seek His volition in all you do, and He will bear witness you which path to take.

Athletes are incredibly self-enlightened folks. We internalize a great deal of our journeying as an athlete. All losses are our fault while all victories vest to the team. Nosotros may even want to give up at times because we feel inadequate. This poetry tells usa to not depend on our own understanding every bit we are hardest on ourselves. We demand to lean on God to show usa which path to take. At that place will be times… many times… when our path isn't clear. It'south these times we need to feel His e'er-nowadays power in every decision, move and action.

8. 2 Corinthians 10:four

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to annihilate strongholds.

Talent is abounding in the sports world, but talented athletes are a dime a dozen. However, those who call on more than their talent and seek the divine power of God will have the edge in every contest.

seven. Hebrews 12:ane

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before the states.

No matter the sport you play, endurance is required to win. We are not only talking about the endurance to win a marathon or long cross country skiing event, endurance is also the ability to withstand long practices and long seasons. Take, for case, the travel volleyball season which typically starts in Nov and doesn't cease until mid-June. Endurance is required to maintain good health and stay positive throughout. Many times during the season we need to summons God'southward force to persevere.

half-dozen. Isaiah 40:29-31

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even the youths grow tired and weary, and immature men stumble and fall; just those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings similar eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they volition walk and not be faint.

There are points in every athlete'due south sports career when nosotros abound weary. We feel like our talent is non enough, our strength is fading, when we feel like we are trying our hardest but the hits, baskets or goals only aren't coming. Information technology's these hard times when we have to dig deep and turn to the Lord to see us through the doldrums, slumps and tough times.

5a. Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for y'all," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

5b. Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the blueprint of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you volition be able to test and corroborate what God'south will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I know it'due south a cop out to have a tie but both of these verses are saying essentially the aforementioned affair. Nosotros need to trust God's will… His perfect will. Take you ever prayed for something incredibly hard and it'south didn't come true? Guess what, that's because God had a different plan for you. Only God knows the plans he has for the states. It's up to usa to trust his plan and alive information technology to our fullest. If you recall well-nigh it, that's kind of refreshing. If nosotros truly give our lives to God and live His plan, we will alive more contented lives.

4a. Proverbs 13:3

Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come up to ruin.

4b. Proverbs 12:

The words of the reckless pierce like swords just the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Yup, another necktie. I always observe it interesting that when God wants us to know something he non just uses gentle persuasion; he likewise employs a sledge hammer when necessary. There are several places in the bible where were are told to be mindful of what nosotros are saying. These 2 verses perfectly convey the opposite outcomes of the words nosotros speak. The kickoff is saying by speaking rashly nosotros will cause ruin while the second takes it a pace further and says speaking kindly (or wisely) you can bring healing. How piece of cake it that?

It has never made sense to me to trash talk your opponent. Quite the contrary, after a hard fought match or even a blow-out, you should elevator your opponent up in praise. They battled – no thing the score. They deserve credit for their effort. By being the bigger person you might even bring healing to their loss and those who hear you will retrieve better of you.

Nosotros all know those athletes (particularly the professional person athletes who have a nationwide platform), who tin't seem to help themselves from trash-talking. They demand to rise above, act with honour to themselves and their sport, 'guard their lips' and accept cracking care of the platform they have been given.

iii. Ephesians three:xvi

I pray that out of his glorious riches, He may strengthen y'all with power through His spirit in your inner beingness.

Not only are athletes required to be physically tough, they must exist mentally tough every bit well. We demand to call for God's approving to strengthen not simply our physical performance merely to also requite us the mental toughness and acuity nosotros need to outwit and out strategize our opponent.

2. Ephesians 5:20

Always give thank you to God the begetter for everything, in the proper noun of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You have been given an incredible gift. God has looked down upon you and blessed you volition some blazon of athletic prowess. Whether it be the power to pitch a 100 mile per hour fastball, run like lightening, swim like a fish or jump out of the gym, no matter what is it, this power came from to a higher place. Yes, yous practice… a lot… and very hard… simply you lot are only enhancing what you have been given. Exist whole-heartedly thankful for His gift.

1. Joshua i:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be potent and courageous. Do not exist afraid; do non be discouraged, for the Lord your God volition be with you wherever you go."

This is without question my favorite Bible verse for athletes. This poetry has seen me through so many of the trials and tribulations in my sports career… and in life. Information technology lifted me when I needed courage and pushed me forward when I needed strength. And only knowing that God is with me wherever I go has a very calming result on my performance.

Honorable Mention

Here are another nifty verses to lean on in time of athletic prosperity too as adversity.

Psalm eighteen:29

For by you lot, I can run against a troop and by my God I tin leap over a wall.

Mathew 11:28

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I volition give you rest.

Psalm 91:11

For He will command his angels concerning you to baby-sit you in all means.

ii Timothy 4:7

I have fought the skilful fight, I have finished the race, I accept kept the faith.

What is your favorite bible verse for athletes? If you have a favorite comment below. I'd love to hear them!

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Sue Nowicki is an alumna of the 2014/fifteen Disney Parks Moms Panel. She is a team mom extraordinaire who has filled her time serving as secretary, navigator, head cheerleader, treasurer, athletic trainer and team psychologist for her daughter's travel sports team for over 15 years earlier condign a team owner. You can follow her on Twitter at @TeamMom365.

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Bible Verses for Athletes